Wellness is the quality or state of being healthy: It’s that simple and that daunting. “It’s not just something that you do in the gym,” explains McConnell Director of Activities and Wellness Natalie Clemens. With a background in both resort and country club fitness, Clemens has seen members assume that a half-hour workout or a regular round of golf means living healthfully. While exercise is important, so is proper nutrition and overall balance.
The Enjoyable Element
An active country club life fits seamlessly into that balance by offering both social and physical outlets. While having fun and plugging in, you’re reducing stress and introducing balance to your lifestyle. To ensure well-rounded offerings, McConnell takes a team approach. “We’re thinking about fitness, chefs, and club managers,” Clemens says. “They’re all important to a wellness program.”
That means lighter menu options, athletic practice groups, and upfitting the gym facilities at many clubs — from a total overhaul at Wakefield Plantation to an aesthetically enhancing de-clutter and rearrange at The Country Club of Asheville. The team approach has also spurred fresh choices. “We’re thinking outside the box to always change up what we offer,” Clemens says. Clubs are implementing 5K runs followed by a healthy breakfast, post-golf stretch classes, children’s yoga, and Tae Kwon Do for kids while adults learn self-defense. Look for expanded group fitness options that go beyond basic cardio and weightlifting, including small-group boot camps and sport-specific classes.
Relationship Based
While innovative programming is exciting, it’s the in-depth service that stands out. Every McConnell club now has a designated activities coordinator or wellness expert. “You have somebody available who’s passionate about wellness and will get you the support you need from throughout the club,” Clemens says.
She encourages you to connect with your club manager or with a personal trainer to be pointed in the right direction. “Our trainers and pros are all very different in how they train, but the common denominator is that they really get to know our clients. They are supremely skilled at getting to know members’ needs and wants.” Your club leadership will help you break down and understand wellness, whether it’s a bit more stretching each week or a complete lifestyle overhaul. “Wellness is at the forefront of culture right now,” Clemens says. “We all want to eat better, stay in shape, live longer, enjoy life more. It’s so important to people and it’s important to us too.”